YADA 3.0 Tutorial

A picture containing text, clipart

Description automatically generatedYADA 3.0 is the newest version of our Yet Another Deconvolution Algorithm (Y.A.D.A) tool. It can perform lighting fast deconvolution, with accurate results.


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YADA 3.0 Algorithm.. 1

How to Use (GUI Version) 1

How to Use (Command Line Version) 5

Optimal Parameters. 8



YADA 3.0 Algorithm


The algorithm begins by locating all sets of peaks that are within an acceptable m/z range satisfying an envelope of a given charge state; so, for example, a 2+ envelope would be assumed if consecutive peaks are ~0.5 m/z apart.  The minimum number of consecutive peaks and minimum peak intensity are user defined variables.  In what follows, for each envelope candidate, a normalized dot product is performed between the experimental and a theoretical profile of intensities. YADA generates the theoretical profile by resorting to an array of spline regressors that have been trained with the averagine model (https://doi.org/10.1016/1044-0305(95)00017-8); this array can model up to 25 envelope peaks. Subsequently, YADA applies a maximum parsimony filter that will guarantee that each mass spectral peak belongs to only one isotopic envelope candidate; envelopes are chosen according to their highest scoring dot product.  Finally, only envelopes with dot product above a given threshold are reported to the user.



How to Use (GUI Version)


1.    Installation

The latest version of YADA 3.0 can be found here. It requires .NET 6.0 or higher to run, which can be downloaded here.

An example raw file can be found here.



2.    Deconvolution Parameters

Figure 1 - YADA 3.0 start screen.

YADA 3.0 provides several configurable deconvolution parameters, which can be changed in the graphical user interface (GUI). The MS Level box allows configuring the parameters for MS1 and MS2 spectra deconvolution separately.

Default parameters area already configured for optimal performance in most common proteomics experiments in high-resolution data.

A brief description of each parameter:

·       Envelope Stringency: Minimum isotopic envelope similarity score required to accept an envelope.

·       MaxParsimony: Whether to allow an ion to belong to two different isotopic envelope. If checked, the lower scoring envelope for each ion is ignored.

·       Min Intensity: Minimum required ion intensity required to consider an ion.

·       Isotopic Model No Steps: Number of isotopes to be modelled for each ion.

·       Error Tolerance: Mass error allowed. Measured in Daltons.

·       Min Charge State: Minimum charge state to consider in the spectrum.

·       Max Charge State: Maximum charge state to consider in the spectrum.

·       Remove Precursor: If selected, envelopes matching the precursor mass will be ignored.

·       Consider Mass Defect: If selected, isotopic envelopes that do not fit YADA’s mass defect model will be ignored.

·       +1, +2, +3… : Minimum number of ions required to accept an isotopic envelope. 



3.    Deconvoluting Thermo .raw / .ms1 and .ms2 files

Figure 2 - Deconvoluting files in YADA 3.0

The next step is actual deconvolution, which can be performed by clicking on the “Select directory with .raw files to deconvolute” button. YADA 3.0 generates .ms1 and .ms2 files containing the deconvoluted ions in the same directory.

If the “Use MS1 to assign monoisotopic precursors”  option is checked, YADA adds extra Precursor ion information to the MS2 spectra, which is obtained from the deconvolution results of the MS1 spectra. This strategy has led to improvements in identification rates in PatternLab for Proteomics.


4.     Deconvolution Playground

Figure 3 - YADA 3.0 Deconvolution Playground.

YADA 3.0 provides a tool for testing deconvolution parameters. For this, the user must paste the spectrum ions in the .ms2 format (m/z + tab + intensity) and click the “Go” button to apply deconvolution.



How to Use (Command Line Version)


1.    Download

The command line version of YADA 3.0 can be downloaded here. It requires .NET 6.0 or higher to run, which can be downloaded here.

Sample parameter .xml files can be downloaded here. These files contain the default parameters for YADA 3.0 which should work well for most standard proteomic samples.

An example raw file can be found here.


2.    Running

The arguments for running the command line application are as follows:

            YCore.exe ms_path -m -ms1 ms1_xml_path -ms2 ms2_xml_path -i .raw -o .mgf

The arguments are:

ms_path: path to either a file or a directory containing ms files in the .raw, .ms1, .ms2, or .mgf formats. If set as '\' will run on current directory.

-ms1: Tag preceding the path for parameters xml for deconvolution of MS1 spectra. If set to 'default', default parameters are used. If not set deconvolution is not performed at MS1 level.

-ms2: Tag preceding the path for parameters xml for deconvolution of MS2 spectra. If set to 'default', default parameters are used. If not set deconvolution is not performed at MS2 level.

-i: Tag preceding the format for input MS files. Supported formats are .raw, .ms1, .ms2, and .mgf.

-o: Tag preceding format deconvoluted spectra are written to. Supported formats are .ms1, .ms2, and .mgf.

-m: Add multiplex charges to outputs. Requires inputs to be in .raw format, or in .ms1 AND .ms2 formats.

Instructions for running the command line version of YADA 3.0 can also be obtained in the executable itself through the -help command:


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Figure 4 - Command line help command.



3.    Parameters Description

For running the command line application parameters may be provided as .xml files. An .xml file must be provided for each MS level.

The .xml file is as follows:

Graphical user interface, text

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Figure 5 - Sample YADA 3.0 xml parameters file.


·       MSLevel: Fragmentation level of spectrum. For MS1 spectra it is 1, for MS2 spectra it is 2, and so on.

·       Isotopic Model Steps: Number of isotopes to be modelled for each ion.

·       MassDefectSigma: Mass error allowed in mass defect calculations. Set to zero to not consider mass defect.

·       MaxParsimony: Whether to allow an ion to belong to two different isotopic envelope. If checked, the lower scoring envelope for each ion is ignored.

·       Error Tolerance: Mass error allowed. Measured in Daltons.

·       RemovePrecursor: Whether to remove ions matching the precursor from MS2 spectra.

·       IntensityCutoff: Minimum intensity required for ions to be considered for isotopic envelopes.

·       Envelope Stringency: Minimum isotopic envelope similarity score required to accept an envelope.

·       Min Charge State: Minimum charge state to consider in the spectrum.

·       MDModel: Whether to use the Built-In mass defect error model, or provide a new one. Keep as ‘Built-in’.

·       Remove Precursor: If selected, envelopes matching the precursor mass will be ignored.

·       MinimunPeaksPerChargeState: Minimum number of ions required to accept an isotopic envelope for different charge states.. 


Optimal Parameters


Optimal parameters for running YADA 3.0 may change depending on the target dataset.

For bottom-up and middle-down proteomics we recommend:

Graphical user interface, application, Word

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Figure 6 - Recommended YADA 3.0 parameters for bottom-up and middle-down proteomics.

For top-down proteomics we recommend:

A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 7 - Recommended YADA 3.0 parameters for top-down proteomics.

These parameters are also supplied as .xml files here.