
Spectrum Identification Machine for Cross-linked Peptides (SIM-XL) can be freely downloaded and installed with a single click on the Download button.
Publication Details
Supplementary Files
- SIM-XL output files (*.simxlr - you need to uncompress the zip file) and parameter file can be downloaded here.
- RAW and mzIdentML output files can be downloaded at PRIDE Repository.
- We use a FASTA database containing the sequence of Hsp90 plus five decoys for performing the search.
Homodimer Analysis - Nature Protocols
Supplementary Files
- A test-dataset (SIM-XL output file - *.simxlr - you need to uncompress the zip file) can be downloaded here.
- All spectra considered trustworthy were marked as excellent to ensure the user can reproduce exactly the same result which was obtained in the protocol.
- RAW and mzIdentML output files can be downloaded at PRIDE Repository - (PXD006574).